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Night Owl's Shareware - PDSI-004-1 - Wayzata Technology (1990).iso
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Jan. 1989 Jorj Software Co. (313) 428-8010
JORJ is a new approach to the use of a dictionary. It was designed
as a ready reference tool for the PC user and to take advantage of
the power of the computer in which it is housed. We often find
ourselves at a loss for just the right word to express our thought or
how to spell the word in mind. The advantage of the computerized
dictionary is that it can provide this type of assistance. Another
advantage which can be exploited is the ability to scan and collect
particular records from an extensive database. This can often be
very helpful in listing things with a common element. For example if
we wanted a list of the Solar system planets, we could scan all defin-
itions for the word "planet" and generate the desired list. We hope
you find this to be a useful feature.
This program is defined as SHAREWARE and often referred to as USER-
SUPPORTED SOFTWARE. This product is Copyrighted and all rights are
reserved by JORJ SOFTWARE. It is made available as "SHAREWARE" so that
you may use it on a trial basis. You may also provide copies to others
for the same purpose. The idea behind SHAREWARE is that you are able
to try-out the product before you buy. If you decide that you like the
software and wish to keep it, you are obliged to register and pay a fee.
The registration fee is $30. We believe that to be a very reasonable
charge for a product such as this and do hope that you agree.
In addition to a clear conscience, registration also does the following-
- You will be included on our mailing list for news of updates and
new products.
- You will receive JOSE free of charge. JOSE is an entertaining and
educational wordgame. This is a companion program to JORJ, using the
same database, and is shipped on a 360k 5.25" floppy.
We are also interested in your comments. Let us know what you think.
Such feedback is important to our on-going development work.
Please send your registration fee and comments to-
4354 Fletcher Rd.
Manchester MI 48158
.. we thank you and hope you enjoy this unique dictionary.
JORJ is a concise easy-to-use English language dictionary. The
data-base contains approximately 58000 words. It will provide a quick
reference to find the spelling or meaning of a word and will also list
all inflected forms of the word. JORJ has phonetic capability which
means that when you do not know how to spell the word you want, you may
enter it spelled just as you would pronounce it and JORJ will find the
word based on its pronunciation. For example, if you entered the search
word "dayrigur" you will find the word "de rigueur".
You will find that JORJ is very useful for a variety of look-ups
including Postal abbreviations for any of the States, weights and
measures as well as foreign words and phrases etc.
In addition to the normal look-up mode, JORJ also provides a BROWSE
mode and a SCAN mode. Both are activated with the cursor keys.
BROWSE displays neighboring words and is useful when there is more
than one word of the same spelling or pronunciation.
SCANNING is useful when you wish to see a list of all entries having
a particular word or phrase in the definition. For example you could
list all the Presidents by scanning on the word "Pres" or the States
with the SCAN word "State". Other uses would be to list French terms by
scanning on the word "Fr" or get a list of dog breeds by scanning on the
word "dog". Scanning on "Baseball" lists Baseball's Hall of Fame members.
The distribution disks contain four files:
JORJ.DOC (This file.)
JORJ.EXE (The Driver Program)
JORJ.DB1 (Database Part 1)
JORJ.DB2 (Database Part 2)
The database file is delivered in two parts for convenience.
These must be combined into a single contiguous file with the name
"JORJ.DAT". This is accomplished with the following DOS commands:
COPY/b jorj.db1+jorj.db2/v
REN jorj.db1 jorj.dat
DEL jorj.db2
The driver program (JORJ.EXE) may be in any Directory which is
included on the environment PATH. This, of course, allows easy access,
at the DOS level, from any directory.
The database file (JORJ.DAT) should be in the directory \JORJ. While
this is not mandatory, it is highly recommended because it eliminates
the need to specify the directory of the database when invoking JORJ.
Several options are available when JORJ is invoked from DOS.
1. You may request a display of the "HELP" screen.
2. You may request the JORJ remain memory-resident and be
brought up whenever the HOT-KEY is used. The HOT-KEY is
the combination of <Alt> key any other key used together.
3. You may identify the Directory holding the file "JORJ.DAT".
When not identified the path is presumed to be "\JORJ".
The command line to invoke the program is:
JORJ [H] [Path] [*] [*x]
Where: H (or help) will display the HELP screen.
Path is the directory holding the database file (JORJ.DAT).
* will cause JORJ to stay memory resident.
(with <ALT>j being the HOT-KEY).
*x will cause JORJ to stay memory resident
(with <ALT>x the HOT-KEY and 'x' may be any character.
Options are separated with a space and may appear in any order.
For example, the following commands are all valid when JORJ.EXE is in
the current directory or a directory which is on the environment PATH.
Jorj c:\records H *
jorj \letters\dict
Jorj *
When the * option is used, JORJ loads into memory and returns to DOS.
To execute the HOT-KEY combination must be pressed. JORJ is terminated
when the <ESC> key is pressed. If memory resident, you will be returned
to your point of origin.
When the program is called up the screen display contains five windows
and is ready for your input. Simply type a search word and <ENTER>.
JORJ then searches the database for your word and displays the results
in the various boxes. The small center box is a status indicator where:
*** indicates an exact match was found.
** indicates a phonetic match is displayed.
* indicates a "best guess" is displayed.
? indicates no possible match or guess.
After the display, you may-
.. continue with Look-Up by entering a new word.
.. use a cursor key to BROWSE at other records.
.. use a cursor key to switch to SCAN mode.
.. use the <ESC> key to EXIT the program.
When JORJ searches the database to find a match for your search word, he
collects all possible candidates in a buffer. BROWSING permits you to
review the records in this buffer. <Cursor Left> moves through the buffer
rearward and <Cursor Right> moves forward. When either browse key is used,
the Status indicator will show the number of records in that buffer.
Browsing is only available when the buffer contains more than one record.
The SCAN MODE is a feature which allows you to search the definitions
of the entire database for any word or pharse. Two types of scanning
are provided. IMPLICIT which is entered with the <Cursor Up> key and
EXPLICIT which is entered with the <Cursor Down> key.
IMPLICIT will find all records containing a word whose leading characters
match your search word.
EXPLICIT scan is more precise and will find only those records which have
a total match with the search word.
Unlike Look-Up mode, the use of capital letters is significant in the SCAN
mode. For example, a scan on the word "indian" would find nothing but if
the SCAN is done on the word "Indian" a list of Indian tribes is generated.
As you enter a search word, the normal command-line edit keys may be used.
That is, the <BACK-ARROW>,<CNTRL-H>,<DEL> and <ESC> will erase previous
character or entire input string. Two successive <ESC> keys will, however,
EXIT the program.
Homographs (spelled the same with different meaning) and homonyms (words
pronounced the same but spelled differently) may, at times, require the
use of the BROWSE feature to find your precise word. In the case of
homographs, JORJ will display the first occurrence of the word in his dic-
tionary and the homograph will follow and be found with the use of the
<Cursor Right> key. In similar fashion, one would locate a homonym by
browsing when the match is found based on a phonetic search rather than
correct spelling. For example, one may find the word "entrance", the noun
for "entry" and would browse to the next word and find the verb meaning
"to enchant or charm".
The Help Screen provides a brief review of the control keys used and the
program/database version numbers.